President Jon Purmont called the November meeting to order on Thursday the 8th at 6:58pm.
The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted as read.
Sandy gave the Treasurer’s report and it was accepted.
Maureen reported that the Archives Committee was organizing and putting things away after all the events we have hosted. She also noted that the committee is always looking for things to add to the archive.
Jon noted that a resident of West Haven donated a case of bottles from the Pop Shoppe that was located on Bull Hill Lane.
Old Business:
The historic bus tour on 10/14 was well attended with 35 passengers. It was a lovely sunny day and Jon received very positive feedback. Next year the plan is to return to hosting a walking tour.
The graveyard tour that was to be held on 10/27 was cancelled due to rain – lots of it. Next year we are considering a rain date.
New Business:
The Holiday Fair will be held on Saturday 11/17. Seven vendors are scheduled. Sandy still needs donations for the gift tree.
The speaker for the evening was Mayor Nancy Rossi.
The December meeting, on the 13th, will be the holiday meeting with entertainment from the West Haven High School Bel Canto Choir.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lois Dioro