President Jon Purmont called the May meeting to order on Thursday the 10th at 7:05 pm.
The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted as read.
Sandy gave the Treasurer’s report and it was accepted.
Maureen reported that the Archives Committee is getting ready for the state-wide museum open house on Saturday 06/09/18. The theme is middle schools. School registers and yearbooks will be available for perusal. A photo exhibit will also be mounted.
Old Business:
The historic plaque program, in conjunction with the Rotary Club, is moving forward. Several properties have replied in the affirmative and plaques will be affixed to the following in the near future:
Keenan Funeral Home (built in the 1880s)
Two houses on Main St
Bill Barr’s house
Altschuler building
Leo Kelly, the tree expert, has advised us that the Ash trees that border the property with the condos will eventually have to be removed. Since they appeared to bloom this year, we are hoping to forestall the inevitable.
New Business:
The statewide open house will be on Saturday, June 9.
There is no further news on the possible Teddy Bear Picnic or the Lobster Bake..
The annual walking tour will be replaced this year with a bus tour of various houses in the city.
Our guest speaker for the evening was Marty Podskoch. He spoke on the Civilian Conservation Corps Camps in Connecticut that were established as a part of FDR’s New Deal.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lois Dioro