President Jon Purmont called the October meeting to order on Thursday the 11th at 6:56 pm.
The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted as read.
Susan Walker gave the Treasurer’s report in Sandy’s absence and it was accepted.
Maureen reported that the Archives Committee was looking for photos to display at the historical bus tour.
Old Business:
The jewelry party held in September was poorly attended. Only 1 person came to the event.
The society was represented at the Apple Festival on the Green. Several books and novelty items were sold.
The UNH bus tour on 10/06 was quite successful. One bus was easily filled. There were enough folks to fill another bus, but UNH limited the tour to one bus this year, so many were disappointed.
Dues are now due for all members. Dues are $20.00.
New Business:
There are 30 reservations, to date, for the historical bus tour that will take place on 10/14.
The annual Graveyard Tour will take place on 10/27. Volunteers are still needed.
Marty Podskoch, the speaker at our May 2018 meeting, has a new book about Connecticut towns that will be released on 10/22. He has contacted Jon about a book signing in West Haven. The date is not yet decided.
Upcoming Events:
The Holiday Fair will be held at the Poli house on 11/17.
The speaker for the evening was Jason Jasch. He is writing a book about Jack Kerouac. He had previously contacted the society when he learned that Kerouac lived for a short time with his family on Bradley Point in 1941. He gave a handout of the folks who occupied the houses on Bradley point through the years. Jason asked that if anyone has any leads on how to contact any of these folks or their decendents, he would be appreciative.
The November meeting will feature Mayor Nancy Rossi as a speaker.
The meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lois Dioro