President Jon Purmont called the June meeting to order on Thursday the 13th at 7:01pm.
The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted as read.
Sandy gave the Treasurer’s report and it was accepted.
Maureen reported for the Archives Committee. During the summer were several requests from outside parties for information about West Haven.
Jon told us that he received a request for information from a writer who is doing a book on author and poet Jack Kerouac. Apparently Kerouac lived on Bradley Point in 1941. Although the society has no specific information on Kerouac, we do have information on Bradley Point. Jon will meet with the gentlemen with in the next week or so to share what we have and show him Bradley Point.
Old Business:
Jon reported that we had 55 visitors on CT Museum Day in June.
New Business:
We have a new website. The URL is Alan Olenick has provided valuable input and assistance. He will be acting as our Webmaster.
Dues are now due for all members. Dues are $20.00.
Upcoming Events
09/20 – Plaques will be affixed to 2 historic buildings: Keenan Funeral Home and the house located at First and Main Streets. This will take place at 10:30 am.
09/23 – Jewelry Party at the Poli house, 1:00-3:00 pm. A portion of the sales will go to the historical society.
10/06 – UNH bus tour, 10:30 am.
10/14 – Bus tour of historic sites. This is in place of the walking tour that was done in the past few years. It will start at the Poli house at 2:00 pm. The cost is $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for children under 12. No children under 5 years old please. Any members who would like to help will be appreciated.
10/27 – Graveyard Tour, beginning at 5:00 pm at the Poli house. The cost is $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for children under 12. Alma Pagels will join the dead represented in the tour this year. Although she and her family are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Jon
has arranged for her to be transported to the Green for the evening. Any members who would like to help will be appreciated.
Member Cathie Iaccarino thanked the society for housing the artifacts that have been excavated from a dig in West Haven. She volunteered to help with mounting a display of these artifacts, date to be determined.
The speaker for the evening was West Haven tree warden Leo Kelly. Leo is a licensed arborist with a degree in forestry.
The meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lois Dioro